

Witteveen+Bos is a consultancy and engineering firm. We are an international organisation with roughly 1300 employees worldwide. Our head office is located in Deventer, The Netherlands. Every day we apply our expertise to make our environment more sustainable. We contribute to projects related to clean water, the energy transition, coast and dike reinforcements, environmental studies, and many more societal challenges. We let the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs) guide us in our work to make our society more sustainable.

What do we do?

Consultancy and engineering is becoming more and more digital. Witteveen+Bos chooses to take a leading role in this transformation, by developing its own custom digital solutions. The business line Digital Acceleration & Support is at the centre of this ambition. Together with our specialists we create novel digital engineering solutions. We have for example created our own VR participation platforms, to inform residents and potential users of infrastructure projects such as the highway A58. We apply AI to optimize purification processes in waste water treatment plants. We analyze and visualize big data for port authorities, to give insight in the use of their port. We help optimize industrial design and production processes.

Who works there?

Within business line DAS most people have a background in IT: we have developers, consultants, project managers, and product marketeers. Within the other business lines you’ll find the more traditoinal engineers: civil engineers, mechanical engineers, eletrical engineering, environmental engineers, etc. Together we strive for a top performance. To get there, we offer personal and professional development. Junior employees participate in a specially tailored training programme. Together with other junior employees, you take part in a number of courses to develop yourself both personally and professionally. As you progress in your career, we offer you courses targeted to help you grow in your expertise.

Internships, final projects and work

Interested? Looking for an internship/final project/(parttime) job? Contact Wouter Klein Wolterink for an informal chat or visit our website.

We have some pre-defined assignments but feel free to contact us and brainstorm about what you’d like to do. Assignments can be done in Dutch and English. These are some of the internship / BSc thesis assignments that we have:

  • Write a C# plug-in for AutoCAD Plant 3D for cross-application data management.

  • Write a C# plug-in for Autodesk Revit for cross-application data management.

  • Write a C# plug-in for Autodesk Navisworks for cross-application data management.

These are two possible MSc thesis assignments: - Create an ISO 19650 information architecture on top of a practical application landscape (see details below). - (Dutch) Stel een informatiearchitectuur op voor de omgevingswet (zie details hieronder).

Create an ISO 19650 information architecture on top of a practical application landscape (MSc thesis)

ISO 19650 for building information management (BIM) dictates how an engineering project that involves 3D modelling (e.g., of a building or a tunnel) should be managed. Within these projects, each actor has a different information need. ISO 19650 dictates some of these needs, and others arise from the day-to-day work when applying BIM in projects. Project data are scattered over a lot of different applications, models (3D models, 2D models), (Excel) lists, etc. It is hard to get a devent overview of the state of a project. This is made worse by the fact that these applications don't really work together. In this assignment you'll do the following:

  • identify the information needs coming from ISO 19650 by means of desk research;
  • identify the applications used within projects;
  • identify the information needs coming from the day-to-day work when applying BIM in projects, by means of interviews and getting familiar with the applications;
  • map the information needs on the applications being used;
  • create an information architecture that shows how application data can satisfy the information needs;
  • propose a solution direction to implement such an architecture (e.g., do we need plug-ins to fetch data, dashboards to visualize data?).

(Dutch) Stel een informatiearchitectuur op voor de omgevingswet. Overheden willen en moeten digitaler werken maar zijn vooral goed in het schrijven van lange rapporten. Om een stap te maken moet er eerst een informatiearchitectuur worden opgesteld. In deze opdracht zul je het volgende doen:

  • analyse v/d doelen en wensen van digitalisering van de omgevingswet;
  • een beschrijving van processen, stakeholders, deliverables, etc.;
  • typische manier van werken / typische applicaties in kaart brengen;
  • een formele terminologie ontwikkelen;
  • een informatiearchitectuur opstellen;
  • advies leveren hoe zo’n informatiearchitectuur op te stellen.

Je zult tijdens deze opdracht samenwerken met beleidsadviseurs van een of meer gemeentes, van Witteveen+Bos, en een ervaren softwarearchitect.”

URL http://www.witteveenbos.nl/