Looking for TAs
Looking for TAs for programming courses!
A message from Jan Broenink:
I am looking for student assistants for my courses on programming:
ECSI part of CPS (Embedded Control Systems Implementation of minor / elective module Cyber-Physical Systems) in 1B on Raspberry Pi and Linux (Raspbian) that students use to write very simple and basic I/O driver programs to control a motor. This part is attended by EE and AT students, TCS students take the other part of the module on Wednesdays, namely Physical Systems Modelling and Control. The practicals run on 6 Wednesdays, starting from 17-11 up to and including 22-12, so all activity is before Christmas. That practical is full day. Next to that some preparation work spread over the 3-4 weeks ahead of the quarter, and grading of each week’s exercise, taking 4-5 hours.
RTSD, Real-Time Software Development (MSc course) in 1B This year on real-time programming using Raspberry Pi 4, using Xenomai (Real-time version of Linux) on 2 cores and Rasbian on 2 other cores. Next to that, also use of ROS2, a networking / messaging (middleware) system used in robotics. It is a big change compared to previous years. So, now experience of student assistants is more on computer engineering, C, C++ programming, testing of hard-real time software, and of course controlling some robotic setup (2 motors and a webcam).
Programming 2, BSc + MSc couse in 2A On the basics of C++ programming, for BSc students part of EE-Module 7B (3 EC). MSc students are mostly from Biomedical Engineering, and do a larger end project.
If you are interested please email board@inter-actief.net