Onderwijsbloemetje Q3 »
To thank all teachers for their hard work in quickly switching to online education, the teachers of Q3 have all been awarded an educational bouquet!
The past few weeks our education has been vastly different than before. Lectures are online instead of in lecture halls, tests have been changed so they can be taken remotely and everyone is now working from home.
This massive change required some effort from students, but more importantly, it required an enormous amount of adaptability from the teachers. Within the span of a week, they were able to completely change their courses and modules to an online version where students could continue learning, albeit from their own homes. Of course, there were some hiccups along the way and everything isn’t perfect, but the overall way everything has been adapted to online education is great!
Over the past weeks, we have received lots of messages of praise for different teachers on the responsiveness and adaptability of entire module teams as well as specific teachers. Other messages specifically state the quality of the online lectures. Because all teachers of Q3 have worked incredibly hard to still give the students the education they deserve, even in these troubling times, we think that all of them deserve an educational bouquet for their hard work!
As there are so many teachers, we created a slightly different version of our normal 'educational bouquet'; a card with a message from the students which can be planted to create a beautiful bouquet of flowers, which will be sent to all teachers as soon as possible!
All teachers who will be receiving the educational bouquet: Pieter-Tjerk de Boer, Geert Heijenk, Bernd Meijerink, Rico van Lingen, Evonne van Genderen, Marc Uetz, Faizan Ahmed, Carlos Budde, Ruben Hoeksma, Jasper de Jong, Walter Kern, Stefan Klootwijk, Rom Langerak, Bodo Manthey, Lerna Pehlivan, Jan Willem Polderman, Victor Reijnders, Alexander Skopalik, Yeray Barrios Fleitas, Ansgar Fehnker, Luis Ferreira Pires, Jeroen Klein Brinke, Patrick Smith, Jeff White, Sage Cammers-Goodwin, Maurice van Keulen, Christin Seifert, Andreas Peter, Tom van Dijk, Marco Bekooij, Marielle Stoelinga, Djurre van der Wal, Marianne Junger, Nicola Strisciuglio, Mannes Poel, Faiza Bukhsh, Elena Mocanu, Karin Groothuis-Oudshoorn, Anna Sperotto, Aiko Pras, Jair Cardoso de Santanna, Maarten Everts, Jasper Goseling, Joost Pieter Katoen, Marcus Gerhold, Marieke Huisman, Susan Bayhan, Leon de Vries, João Moreira, Wallace Corbo Ugulino, Marten van Sinderen, Rob Bemthuis, Adina Aldea, Asad Abdiesfandani, Anton Stoorvogel, Martijn Koot, Heather Wilson, Lucas Meertens, Jos van Hillegersberg, Efthymios Constantinides, Lesley Broos, Abhista Abhistha, Verena Schulze Greiving-Stimberg, Joyce van Baaren, Hans Moonen, Ellen van Oost, Maya Daneva, João Luis Moreira, Daniel Smits, Olivia Plant, Bart Nieuwenhuis, Guido Bruinsma, Mike Monson
Do you know someone who is extremely committed to improve the quality of education or is always willing to help students without hesitation? Then, what are you waiting for? Nominate him or her for the education bouquet! Think for example of a teacher who gives extra lectures or a student assistent who is making hours in overtime to help each and everyone of you! You can nominate someone by going to this page.
Symposiumcommissie 2021! »
De symposiumcommissie voor collegejaar 2020/2021 is bekend!
De functieverdeling is als volgt:
Wesley Joosten - Voorzitter
Matthias Wentink - Secretaris & Promotie
Max Jeltes - Penningmeester
Niek Pennings - Sprekers
Pim Mulder - Extern & Website
Bram van Dartel - Extern
Bart Leenheer - Logistiek
Kandidaat-bestuur collegejaar 2020/2021 bekend! »
Het kandidaat-bestuur voor het volgende collegejaar is bekend!
De volgende mensen willen vanaf september het huidige bestuur opvolgen:
Voorzitter - Jelle Maas
Secretaris/Onderwijs - Willem Schooltink
Penningmeester - Tom Grooters
Interne betrekkingen - Lars van Arkel
Externe betrekkingen - Gilian Schrijver
[1 April] New UT rules considering online drinks »
The University of Twente seems to have found out about study associations finding ways to avoid the alcohol convenant.
Since the University buildings have closed, associations have tried alternatives to have their weekly drinks online. However, research found out that 60-70% of the online drink attendees live on campus, resulting in the activity to be considered on campus following UT rules. In addition, people are serving drinks themselves while being far from sober, besides not having a valid IVA certificate. The UT considers this as violation of the alcohol convenant, and has therefore decided not to allow any more alcoholic beverages during online drinks via Discord, Google Meet, Skype and other online video platforms.
Unfortunately, Inter-Actief sees no other option than to follow these new rules set by the University. We will therefore no longer allow beer or other alcoholic beverages during our online drinks, but we will leave the online Abscint on the Inter-Actief Discord server open to have a chat while enjoying a non-alcoholic beer or soda. Naturally, we hope that the UT buildings will be opened again soon, so we can finally go back to our beloved Abscint to have a real, non-virtual beer!
Stay safe, and stay home!
Kevin, Reinier, Gerrit-Willem, Denise, Patrick and Danique.
Updates regarding Corona #2 »
We would like to give you an update regarding all the measures taken by Inter-Actief against the coronavirus (COVID-19)
In consequence of the press conference about the extra measures against the COVID-19 virus, as given by Minister Bruins of Medical Care and Sports and Minister Slob of Primary and Secondary Education and Media, we decided to extend the previously shared measures concerning Inter-Actief until the 6th of April.
Closure extended
All university buildings with the exception of Spiegel will be closed until the 6th of April. This also means that your building authorization that you may have obtained via Inter-Actief as an active member, has been blocked. The Spiegel is available for studying to those who are not in a position to study at home.
By extension, this measure means that all activities until the 6th of April will be cancelled in the same manner as the previously cancelled activities, and that the Inter-Actief room will also be closed until the 6th of April.
Study advisors
We understand that you might have many questions regarding your educational programme. Therefore, we would like to remind you that the study advisors Ellen, Rianne and Lilian are still available during the closure of university facilities. If you have any questions regarding education, they are there to answer your questions. You can make an appointment at https://ewi.planner.utwente.nl/.
As some of you may already know, Inter-Actief has its very own Discord server. Although originally hosted primarily for gaming, its use has now been expanded into a platform for the entire association. On the server you can meet up in the digital association room, have a drink, or work in one of the digital project rooms. The server can be found here.
Other Notes
We would also like to stress that you should follow all the measures and advice given by the government and the RIVM. Only then will we be able to resume a normal lifestyle in the Netherlands as soon as possible.
For future updates, we would like to refer you to the news-page on the website.
An email will be sent to all our members when there are big changes in the current measures. Until then, we will keep the news-page of Inter-Actief as updated as possible with the latest information.
Take care of yourselves, consider everything you do twice, and we hope to welcome you again as soon as possible in the Inter-Actief room!
Kind regards,
Kevin, Reinier, Gerrit-Willem, Denise, Patrick & Danique
LuCie gevormd »
De nieuwe LuCie is gevormd! Samen zullen zij alle activiteiten rondom het 8e lustrum van Inter-Actief organiseren.
De functieverdeling is als volgt:
Frank van Mourik - Voorzitter
Michael Janssen - Secretaris
Niels de Groot - Penningmeester
Kitty Boersma - Promotie
Jasper Sustronk - Logistiek
Gilian Schrijver - Extern
Updates regarding Corona »
We would like to inform you about the measures Inter- Actief is taking in accordance with the guidelines set by the UT and RIVM regarding the corona virus (COVID-19).
Inter-Actief room
Today the decision has been made that all educational buildings at the University of Twente will be closed until the 23rd of March. This means that in the upcoming week, the University is not available for studying or project meetings. No educational activities will be held, including examination, lectures (both physical and digital), and tutorial sessions. In accordance with the UT, the Inter-Actief association room will be closed until the 23rd of March. During this time the board will be accessible for questions via e-mail at board@inter-actief.net. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Upcoming activities cancelled
All activities starting from now until the end of March will be cancelled. If you have signed up for any activities you will be automatically signed out and you will not have to worry about paying for these activities. For activities on a later date we are still unsure on whether they will continue. As soon as we know more information regarding this we will communicate this to all our members.
What happens next?
The University has made the decision to halt educational activities for next week. The reason for this is to adapt the education to these new circumstances. Study advisers are still available. Meetings will be held via phone and you can still schedule meetings via the online planner. The University is looking into possible consequences the closure might have for the study progress of our students (e.g. concerning BSA). As of right now, there is no need to worry about these kinds of issues.
More information regarding the measures the UT is taking can be found on the UT corona page here. As soon as new information arises that has impact on our activities and/or members we will send out another email. If you have any questions regarding how Inter-Actief is reacting to these measures and to new information you can contact the board.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us!
Kind regards, Kevin, Reinier, Gerrit-Willem, Denise, Patrick & Danique
Bestuursollicitatiedeadline, zondag 15 maart »
Elk jaar rijzen enkele helden op om het nieuwe bestuur van Inter-Actief te vormen. Ben jij er klaar voor?
Ook dit jaar is Inter-Actief weer opzoek naar een nieuw bestuur dat gedurende het academische jaar van 2020/2021 het dagelijkse opereren en het sturen van de vereniging op zich neemt. Met meer dan 1200 leden en 200 vrijwilligers, is dit een heuse taak.
Ga jij...
...jouw team effectief aansturen en de vereniging representeren voor honderden studenten?
...de correspondentie en de verslaglegging ten belange van de hele vereniging op jou nemen?
...honderdduizenden euros beheren?
...een nieuwe lichting motiveren tot activisme en de continuiteit van de vereniging waarborgen?
...meer dan vijftig bedrijfscontacten onderhouden en eigenhands de vereniging financieren?
...de stem voor onze student vertegenwoordigen ten behoeve van de kwaliteit van ons onderwijs?
Een voltijds bestuursjaar bij Inter-Actief is een leerzame ervaring. Je zult verscheiden uitdagingen aangaan, en kan je visie kwijt op de vereniging. Ook zit een bestuursjaar vol met geweldige activiteiten, en leer je talloze nieuwe mensen kennen. Durf jij de kans te pakken?
Stuur voor aankomende zondag 15 maart een mail naar het bestuur waarin je je interesse uitspreekt, en je zult uitgenodigd worden voor een interview. Weet je niet zeker of een bestuursjaar bij Inter-Actief voor jou is weggelegd? Spreek een bestuurder aan in de kamer, of stuur een mailtje!
Tijdelijke onbeschikbaarheid van de verenigingskamer »
Gedurende de week van 23 maart zal de Inter-Actief kamer gesloten zijn vanwege de instalatie van de nieuwe airconditioning.
Tijdens deze week zal het balkon nog steeds beschikbaar zijn om koffie, thee of chocolademelk te halen bij de machines. Het bestuur zal haar dagelijkse taken doorzetten in de verenigingskamer van Scintilla, de ruimte naast de Inter-Actief kamer. Dit betekent dat het bestuur zoals gewoonlijk hier elke werkdag van 09:00 tot 16:00 te vinden is voor vragen.
De week voor de 23ste, de week van 16 maart, zal het bestuur van Scintilla verblijven in de Inter-Actief kamer vanwege werkzaamheden in haar verenigingskamer. Het Scintilla bestuur zal net als het Inter-Actief bestuur prioriteit hebben over de werkplekken in de verenigingskamer.
Kamer gesloten op 4 maart i.v.m. Nexus »
Aankomende woensdag 4 maart vindt Symposium Nexus plaats in de Grolsch Veste in Enschede. Hierdoor is de verenigingskamer helaas de hele dag gesloten.
Op 5 maart vanaf 9 uur is de kamer weer open voor je vragen, of als je even wat te eten wilt halen.
Looking for students to help with Skype Matching! »
We are looking for people who would like to help us with the matching of new international students! Apply through www.ictsv.nl/matching
We are currently looking for people who would like to help us with the matching of new international students. Applicants of the Bachelor’s programmes Technical Computer Science and Business Information Technology will be invited to a matching day in order to get a better understanding of the future study content. Since it is difficult for most international applicants to join the matching days, they will be invited to Skype meetings instead. For these Skype meetings we are searching for TCS and BIT students who are interested in chatting with our international applicants. Both Dutch and international students can apply for this job!
Interested? We would like to invite you to our information session where you will receive further details. The session will take place on Friday the 28th of February, starting at 12:45 in HalB 2A. You can also already apply for the job through www.ictsv.nl/matching
Onderwijsbloemetje - Studieadviseurs »
Op 30 januari hebben de studieadviseurs voor de bachelorprogrammas TCS en BIT een onderwijsbloemetje ontvangen!
Ellen, Bibian, Rianne en (tot het begin van het huidige academisch jaar) Jan zijn de studieadviseurs voor onze beide bacheloropleidingen. Iedere week helpen zij studenten met kleine en grote problemen. Met name tijdens BSA-stress en voor de hulp bij problemen met net beginnen aan een nieuwe opleiding zijn zij cruciaal en erg behulpzaam. Om de studieadviseurs te bedanken voor hun continue inzet hebben ze allemaal een onderwijsbloemetje ontvangen!
Ken jij iemand die zich buitengewoon heeft ingezet voor het onderwijs en altijd klaarstaat om studenten te helpen? Nomineer hem/haar dan voor een onderwijsbloemetje! Denk bijvoorbeeld aan een docent die extra colleges geeft, of een student-assistent die overuren draait om iedereen te helpen. Nomineren kan via deze pagina.
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